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Procurem Tópicos Específicos - this page is supposed to be linked from the above link - at present it does.
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Webmaster Recommends:
For US Convoys - see below those for the Canadian Convoys
For Worldwide Convoys see below those for USA Convoys
To Find Overall News about Canadian Convoy 2022:
Check for overall video updates on See US and Worldwide Convoy Updates below.
(at the top of ToryNow is scolling news - mouse hover to stop the scrolling, then can click)
What do the Truckers Want? - Find it Here
Why are the Truckers so Upset? - Find it here
Possibly Why would Trudeau be so Unmoved? - Find it here
What are We Supposed to Be Doing? Awesome Speech! - Find it here
Convoy Coverage - Sign the Petition to End the Mandates - Find it here
Also check for overall updates on
Search on "Convoy 2022" on or on
From Canadian Convoy 2022 Organizers:
Freedom Convoy Press Conderence 2022 - 02 - 19 "Time to Regroup and Re-evaluate" - Find it here
Freedom Convoy - #FreedomWeek starts February 21 "Don't go to work for 7 days!" - Find it here
Pat King - Updates YouTube Channel - Find it here
Pat King - Evening Update - 2022 - 02 - 18 - Find it here
Freedom Convoy Live Press Conference 2022 - 02 - 17 - Find it here
Pat King - Blow Your Horns - Cops Are Coming - Find it here
Freedom Convoy Live Press Conference 2022 - 02 - 16 - Day 12 Holding the Line - Find it here
Pat King - Hold Fast Folks! - Find it here
Canada Trucker Protesters Call to Defy Order - Find it here
Tamara Lich - I am Not Afraid - Find it here
Response to Emergencies Act - Tamara Lich and Brian Peckford (Signatory of Charters of Rights) - 2022 - 02 - 14 - Find it here
Latest Update - Do Not Leave Ottawa - 2022 - 02 - 13 - Find it here
Convoy - Make No Mistake of their Intentions - 2022 - 02 - 11 - Find it here
Freedom Convoy Asking All Call Veterans for Assistance - Find it here
Convoy Preemptive SOS - 2022 - 02 - 07 Find it here
Convoy Address to the Nation 2022 - 02- 07 Find it here
Canadian Updates:
Breaking - Brother of pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested - Find it here
Toronto Canada Protest (we are not going to take it anymore) - Find it here
Justin Trudeau is now using Putin's actions to justify his censorship of social media bill - Find it here
Free Pastor Artur - Find it here
Trudeau revokes Emergencies Invocation - Find it here
Donald Neil Plett Makes Historic Speech In Senate Over PM Trudeau's Emergencies Invocation - Find it here
Freezing of Funds - Causes Bank Runs - RCMP wants Accounts *Un-Frozen* - Find it here
House Republican Introduces Bill Offering Asylum to Freedom Convoy Truckers - Find it here
LIVE: Watch as Members of Parliament Vote on the Emergencies Act - Find it here
Federal Mandate planned all along! 2022 - 02 -21 - Find it here
Parliamentary Emergency Act Debate (worth watching) - Find it here
From Ottawa to Washington, and Everything in Between - Find it here
Pierre Poilievre gives POWERFUL speech on the current state of Canada - Find it here
The People of Surrey Stand Up - Find it here
The People of Okanagan Stand Up - Find it here
The People of Toronto Stand Up - Find it here
Quebec Blockade Update - Find it here
Protesters Face off with Police trying to clear Trucker Demo in Ottawa - Find it here
Elderly Grandmother dies after being trampled by Police Horse - correction shoulder dislocated - Find it here
The Second Biggest Canada Convoy - Okanagan - Find it here
The Front Line in Ottawa - Find it here
Pat King Arrested - Find it here
Canada protests: Freedom Convoy Organizer call for More Support - Find it here
Peaceful Protester arrested by Dozens of Police - Find it here
Chris Barber arrested because of Lawsuit from Ottawa Resident - Find it here
Furey: The system fights back as Trudeau faces legal challenges - Find it here
Premier of Alberta, Premier of Saskatchawan, and 16 American Governors call for end of Trucker Vaccine Mandates - Find it here
Justin Trudeau refuses to apologize for saying Jewish MP supports Swastika - Find it here
Archbishop Vigano message to Truckers... - Find it here
Urgent Message to Canada about the Emergency Act - Find it here
Scene in Downtown Ottawa - No Truckers Have Left... - Find it here
New York Reaction to Canadian Convoy and Emergencies Act - Find it here
Call to Action in Support of Pastor Artur Pawlowsk! Vigils and Peaceful Protests around the World! - Find it here
Canadian Armed Forces Veteran March across Canada - to start 2022 - 02 - 20 - Find it here
U.S. Trucker Freedom Convoy Rescheduled to two weeks earlier - Find it here
Trudeau Invokes Martial Law - Declares War on the Truckers - Find it here
Address to CDN Police by Retired OPP Officer Ed Grenier 2022 - 02 - 11 - Find it here
Invocation of Emergencies Act is Proof of Failure - Find it here
Candice Bergen argues against the Invocation of the Emergencies Act - Find it here
Ontario - Premier Doug Ford Slow Walks Restriction Easement - Find it here
Trudeau Prepares to Invoke Emergencies Act = Find it here
6 Provinces End Mandates Due to Trucker Protests; Secret Phone Recording of Premier Reveals Plan - Find it here
Communist Flags at Counter Protest Ottawa - Find it here
Ambassador Bridge Veteran Support - Find it here
Convoy at the Ottawa International Airport - Find it here
Liberal MP Block showing Cracks - Find it here
Brian Denison Address to Police Officers - Find it here
Justin Trudeau's Half-Brother interview - Find it here
This is a Big Problem for Justin Trudeau - Find it here
Steve Bannon Updates:
Steve Bannon - War Room Pandemic - Find it here
Follow DC Beltway Traffic:
Official Sites:
Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Official Website - Find it here
Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 Official Facebook - Find it here
USA People's Convoy - Website
America's Convoy - The Official Commemorative Journal - that will Capture it All - Website
Global Freedom Movement - Facebook
Take Back Our Freedoms (TBOF) - Find it here
Free Pastor Artur - Find it here
1) Pennsylvania trucking business owner plans to protest, block DC Beltway on Wednesday - Find it here
Bolus Organized Convoy Heading to D.C. - Find it here
2) People's Convoy - Freedom Convoy USA 2022 - American Freedom Convoy - February 23 to arrive March 1 in DC - Find it here
Ted Cruz holds Press Conference after his ride with the Lead Truck (Don't miss the story at the last) - Find it here
Ted Cruz rides with People's Convoy: Live Coverage (News Update) - Find it here
Rumble Channel - Discussion of YouTube taking down Meeting with Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson - Find it here
Rumble Channel (since YouTube took it down) - Meeting with Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson - Find it here
Rumble Channel - Live Streamer - BrantforLiberty - coming soon - Find it here
YouTube Channel - Live Streamer - Sasnak - one of the Truckers in the People's Convoy - Find it here
YouTube Channel - Live Streamer - John Spiropoulos covering the People's Convoy - Find it here
YouTube Channel - Live Streamer - Oreo Express covering the People's Convoy - Find it here
YouTube Channel - Live Streamer - Canadian Girl covering the People's Convoy (search on USA) - Find it here
People's Convoy from Front to Back - Don't Miss the last - Find it here
Another YouTube Channel - 1st Responders Media is also covering the People's Convoy - Find it here
"The People's Convoy Live Map & Coverage: Day 2" - Search YouTube - Day 2 = Feb 24, Day 3 = Feb 25 and so on.
People's Convoy begins - Find it here
3) Convoy to DC Major Update - Dates and Location Confirmed - March 1 to arrive March 6 - Find it here
More information of the Convoy to DC coming together - Find it here
Freedom Truck Convoy passes through Boise - Find it Here
Freedom Convoy 2022 to DC Official Website - Find it here
Funding PAC established for Freedom Convoy 2022 to DC - Find it here
Give Send Go Funding is not Seized nor Frozen - Find it here
To get subtitles in a different language for YouTube videos:
1. Left click on the "gear" symbol - the Settings icon.
2. Left click on Subtitles
3. Left click on Auto-Translate
4. Scroll down and left click on the desired language.
To Find News about Convoys Worldwide:
Free Pastor Artur - Find it here
Worldwide Convoys - Find it here
Jerusalem, Israel Convoy - Find it here
Paris, France Convoy - Find it here
French Convoy to Head to Brussels - Find it here
France Cops Finally Join the People in Week 32 - Find it here
French Farmers make Massive Statement - Find it here
Canberra, Australia - Find it here
Wellington, New Zealand - Find it here
Wellington Protests: Massive clash between police and protesters on occupation Day 15 - Find it here
Latest Update - 2022 - 02 - 18 - Find it here
Brasil - Two Weeks Ago - Find it here - Find upcoming plans here (Facebook)
Finland Convoy - Find it here - And updated
Netherlands Convoy - Find it here
Odessa, Ukraine - police refuses to go against its people - Find it here
Companies to be Avoided by Conservatives:
Boycott List of all the Liberal Agenda Organizations
Join to Buy from Conservative Companies and Support Conservative Causes:
The truth about Covid19 - how to keep from catching it and how to treat it if you do / have caught it:
New American interview with Dr. Lee Merrit
Here are the supplements that she recommends to take to avoid catching Covid19:
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Dr. Lyons Weiler is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh where he is the Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core. With this vaccine, there is 21% chance that you will have "serious adverse events" (including death). Please view the video:
Dr. Lyons Weiler - Very Upset with the Rush of this Vaccine
Mike Lindell - Absolute Proof of Election 2020 Fraud
Absolute Proof - Mike Lindell Election Documentary (FULL) (
What to do now for those in the United States: The Supreme Court has issued edict - this is what we must do - Jay Richards - How to defend traditional marriage. The rest of the world will get good guidance here also.
Important Article Three things your church must do immediately to protect itself
What we need to be doing now - a book to buy Truth Overruled by Ryan T. Anderson or here
What to do to protect freedom of speech Forget A Federal Marriage Amendment and Go For Religious Freedom Acts in All 50 States
Our prayers are with those who are persecuted around the world.
United We Stand Stronger As Americans - What did our Founding Fathers really say? For Which We Stand
Heard about the Strange Seismic Wave on Nov 11? It moved an island off of Africa. Same location as where Shock Dynamics said a very large asteroid hit earth. See Ultimate Search - Shock Dynamics
Sites that are producing / promoting most of these movies:
Seatzy™ is first and foremost a platform for movie goers that will allow all of us to participate in the process of supporting the films we love more
Finding more:
What is the way for Churches to deal with sin - whether it be any kind including homosexuality? Speak the truth in love. Be a Healing and Transformational Church. New Church Vision - Sin and Homosexuality
Others who are addressing the same issues - letting the Bible speak for itself:
The Gospel and Homosexuality by David Platt
On Love, Homosexuality, and Sin: An Evangelical Proposal By Rob Schwarzwalder
What is the way for Churches to conduct themselves - Individual and Corporate? What are Biblical methods to judge success? New Church Vision - Individual and Corporate
What is the Holy Spirit and are the Gifts for today? How desperate should we be for the Holy Spirit? How do we employ spiritual gifts in an orderly manner? New Church Vision - What About Gifts
What kind of God do we serve? What is a view of God from the scriptures? New Church Vision - Our Great God and our free will
What Christian ministries are there to those enslaved by Alcohol or drugs? Here is one such successful ministry that could be copied around the world:
The Mission House of North Kitsap as well as The Mission House of South Kitsap (all for men, but plans for a Women's mission house are in the making.
A Christian band that was featured on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon For King and Country - Enjoy
Soothing Songs based on the Psalms - by the Sons of Korah - Enjoy
Soothing Hymns with harmony, orchestra, and natural settings: FountainView - Enjoy.
What is Sharia Law (Multi - many languages) anyway? (Warning: graphic)
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus - You Never Know Where a Crisis of Faith Will Lead You.
A Thought-Provoking One Night Event - Monday, January 19, 2015 - In Select Theatres Nationwide
These are the Days of Elijah - The Marines - Hoo Rah! - Could this video go viral?
Privileged Species event - Pacific Northwest Premiere - Michael Denton Rocks the Museum of Flight as Privileged Species Premieres in Seattle to a Packed House -- Are humans the accidental products of a blind and uncaring universe? Or are they the beneficiaries of a cosmic order that was planned beforehand to help them flourish? -- Now available for purchase: Privileged Species - the Movie
Dinesh Dśouza - America (the Movie) - Imagine the World without Her - in movie theaters come July 2. Please consider demanding it at your theater!
For Worship:
Christian Worship Music Mix #1, Christian Worship Music Mix #2, Christian Worship Music Mix #3, and Christian Worship Music Mix #4
More Upbeat:
Christian Dance Music Mix #1, Christian Dance Music Mix #2, Te Amo, Te Amo, I Love You, Blood Bought Church, and Skillet - Awake and Alive
Good Movies:
God's Not Dead - the Movie-English | Spanish / Español | one can now buy the DVD.
For reflection:
At you'll find all the great Christian Music Genres such as Gospel Music, Christian Contemporary, Praise & Worship Music, Christian Rap, and Christian Rock Music, as well as, Christian Songs. - also includes reviews, video samples, overview of groups, biographies, and interviews.
Good Blogs:
All About God All About God -and- Sheila Dean Peace, Hope and Joy are for You too.
Good YouTubes:
Duck Commander talks about why the Country needs Jesus
TheNewDifferent - Twitter and TheNewDifferent - YouTube
And on a more sober note:
Gosnell - Movie - A historic crowdfunding campaign for a movie about America's biggest serial killer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the media cover-up - recently in theaters.
Agenda - Grinding America Down and also, (but don't watch them back to back - you have been warned!)
The Project by Joe Weasel and no you will not find either of these movies listed on Internet Movie Database
Non-partisan site dedicated to a Convention that could bypass all three branches of the government - Check it out in the U.S. Constitution -Friends of the Article V. Convention
Sobering - Four Dead in Benghazi Endowment for Middle East Truth
The Methods of Dealing with the Heartbleed Vulnerability
Newest Updates: Please use the menu item to the left: ****Newest Updates****
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© 2012 Wesley Steinbrink - I encourage anyone to seek out their local Christian church that is teaching the Word.