What are the gifts that God gives? Were they only for the Apostles? Are they for this present time?
There are a few key passages to determine these questions:
The Spiritual Gifts/Manifestations/Ministries | |
ProphecyService (Ministry - Diakonia+)TeachingExhortingGivingLeading (Pastor?)Shower of Mercy-- According to Grace Given-- One Body Different Functions
Word of WisdomWord of KnowledgeFaithGifts of Healing------------------5Miracles-----------------------------4Distinguishing of SpiritsKinds of Tongues---------------8Interpretation of Tongues-- As the Spirit Wills-- In Each One |
Apostles-----------------------------1Prophets----------------------------2EvangelistsPastors (Leader?)Teachers----------------------------3-- Eph 4:7 Gifts**-- From Christ Ascended
Apostles-----------------------------1Prophets----------------------------2Teachers----------------------------3Miracles-----------------------------4Gifts of Healing------------------5(Helps)-------------------------------6(Administrations)---------------7Kinds of Tongues---------------8Interpretation of Tongues--9-- Gifts - I Cor 12:31-- Appointed*** - I Cor 12:28
*Xarisma - Spiritual Gift
**Dohrea' - A Gratuity
***Tithehmi (or short form Theoh) - To Place, To Appoint
I Peter 4:10 As each one has received a gift* employ it in serving one another as good stewards of God's manifold grace.
II Timothy 1:11 For as I was appointed*** a preacher and an apostle and a teacher (Paul)
What determines our maturity?
The Spiritual Gifts/Manifestations/Ministries | |
So there are 20 (or more) gifts of the Spirit!Apostles-----------------------------1Prophets----------------------------2Teachers----------------------------3Miracles-----------------------------4Gifts of Healing------------------5(Helps)-------------------------------6 Service(Administrations)---------------7Kinds of Tongues---------------8Interpretation of Tongues--9ExhortingGiving to Give, to ShareLeading PastorsOne who shows MercyEvangelistWord of WisdomFaithDistinguishing of SpiritsThe first nine are in order in relation to each other. The relation of the others as for which are more important than any others in the full list is to be determined by you.As for the question of if the gifts are still for this day, for one check out and read between the lines of I Cor 13. Also, even though Steven was not an apostle, he still had the gifts. This shows that the gifts did not die out with the apostles.I would refer you to one page of Pastor Jim Feeney, PhD - The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for Today!However, I would agree with the stance that speaking in tongues is not necessarily the first sign of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. A series of events in the Bible should not be our basis for theology statements without some theology statement from the Bible.
And going further, I am in agreement with Dr. Charles Stanley, that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs when you are saved.Now whether you continue on to be filled with the Holy Spirit and stay filled with the Holy Spirit is entirely up to you. And definitely speaking in tongues is not a requirement for salvation! That would be a heretical interpretation of some out-of-context verses!
So what is important if you are saved is to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit.) So what is stopping you from praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit right now? Abide in the Vine, Dwell in the Spirit, Rest in Him, and be filled with the Holy Spirit could all be different ways to say the same thing.
Would I shun someone who believes differently? No. Would I shy away from telling them how I believe? Not that either. We all have experienced the Holy Spirit in different ways for the most part. To judge someone else's experience based on my experience would get me into a bad practice. Again, seek for you yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit!Related is Are Tongues a Gift for Today? But don't miss Secret Church 5: Exploring the Holy Spirit
What is maturity of the Believer in terms of the Church?
This question is important for two reasons:
First, we as believers would like to have a goal to head towards.
This may not be entirely possible since the Bible, every time we read it, reveals new truth to us. Not contradicting itself, but refining the message and challenging us as we are ready for the next step. At the same time some goals are well spelled out. One goal would therefore be to be willing to understand and obey new revealed truth.
Second, the church as a whole tends to be measured by numbers and by the maturity of believers. It is interesting to note that when Jesus judges the churches in Revelation there is no mention of numbers.
So, having said that - what of maturity of the Believer as spoken of in the Bible?
First, we do have many verses that mention maturity specifically:
"The seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to maturity." Luke 8:14 NASB
"until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." Eph 4:13 NASB
"Epaphras, who is one of your number, a bondslave of Jesus Christ, sends you his greetings, always laboring earnestly for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God." Col 4:12 NASB
"But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil." Hebr 5:14 NASB
"And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:4 NASB
"Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor of the rulers of this age, who are passing away;" 1 Cor 2:6 NASB
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phlp 3:14 NASB
And a summary could be written of these verses:
If mature - then you don't worry, aren't greedy, are not stuck on pleasures, are one with your brethern, are trying to be Christlike, are standing firm in God's will*, are fully assured, are distinguishing good from evil, are facing trials with joy, are recieving God's wisdom, and press on toward the goal forgetting the past (of our previous forgiven sins)
Second, there are many verses with indirect reference to maturity:
-Love (confront in love also):
"But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor 13:13
"but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ," Eph 4:15
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15
"An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach," 1 Tim 3:2
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good," Titus 2:3
-Tithe? money and time and talents?
"Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. 9“You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! 10“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. 11“Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. 12“All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts." Malachi 3:8-12
Parable of the Talents - Matthew 25:14-30
"But earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a still more excellent way." 1 Cor 12:31
"rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer," Rom 12:12
"in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, 8sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us." Titus 2:7-8
-Doer of the word (obedience is greater than sacrifice):
"But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does." James 1:25
-My body not mine:
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?" 1 Cor 6:19
-Encouraging vs gossip (what really is gossip? Saying something that you should be saying as truth in love in confronting the person)
"not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." Hebr 10:25
Third, there are common lists that could be taken to connote maturity:
Deacon and Elder list of qualifications
Evidence by fruit of the Spirit
Operating in the Gift(s)
Wear the Armour of God
Follow the Ten Commandments
Fourth, there can be an attempt to arrive at levels of maturity:
Confessing one's salvation
Taking care of own family (1 Tim 5:8)
Fruit of the Spirit/Abide/Presence/Dwelling
Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb / Advancing / Coordinating
Overcoming by the Word of our Testimony
(The order here of increasing maturity could certainly be debated).
Lastly, We all want to hear "Well done, My good and faithful servant".
So, how to measure maturity. That is the $64,000 question. God alone through Jesus judges that. We can try to compare how we are individually and corporately with how the churches were judged in Revelation. That I think is the bottom line. The other scriptures can be guidelines in how we are to get there.
* What is the will of God?
"Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 14or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. 15For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men." 1 Peter 2:13-15
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15-17
"Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; 6not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart." Eph 6:5-6
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
and http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-about-gods-will-20-guiding-quotes/
"Prayer to hear God's will needs to be in a position to hear from God. The position is being ready to do what you thought best as well as being ready to do the alternative of which you can think and being ready to hear a third option" - Wesley Steinbrink
--- Corporate:
The Church, the called out ones, Christ led body of believers:
What is the Church supposed to be? How is the church to be of effect on the world? How is the church to measure what the success of the church is? I cannot add much to these books so here they are. Here are three books that speak volumes to those questions:
Reclaiming God's Original Intent for the Church
by Wes Roberts
Good ideas Good Priorities - you may have to pray and research to find the right methods.
What was God's Original Intent for women in the Church?
I think the Biola professor is right - the literal of I Cor 14 must be weighed with the literal of I Cor 11. They both cannot be literal at the same time. Prophecy from women and silence from women does not make sense. One has to be figurative or have a temporal, area, or other restriction placed on it.
Some pertinent sources:
Egalitarian - with a view of the history and the Greek:
I Suffer not a woman to teach - let your women keep silent (NOT)- Dianne McDonnell
A teacher from Biola, a Christian college who gives an overall view
while mainly siding towards egalitarian:
Egalitarian vs. Complementarian - Biola University - Allen Yeh
And another who while we do not see the complementarian as
from the pit, we can understand some frustration:
The Lies of Complementarianism
A statement for many languages:
Statement on Men, Women, and Biblical Equality
Just to be fair, here are proponents of both viewpoints:
Complementarian (man and woman complement each other) viewpoint is espoused by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Egalitarian (man and women are equal value) viewpoint is espoused by Christians for Biblical Equality and Margaret Mowczko has some good material on an overview of egalitarian views.
What is the overall truth in church, home, and society? Where does your understanding fall in these three areas?
-- most of these links were supplied by Guy Coe who is a good friend and brother in Christ.
Reclaiming Christianity: A Call to Authentic Faith
by A.W. Tozer and James L. Snyder
"His writings impress on the reader the necessity to abandon worldly comforts in favor the deeper life that comes with following Christ. Living out this simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, Tozer and his wife, Ada Cecelia Pfautz, never owned a car, preferring bus and train travel. Even after becoming a well-known Christian author, he signed away much of his royalties to those who were in need"
- A.W. Tozer - Alliance
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
by David Platt
"Sometimes people will commend a book by saying, 'You won't want to put it down.' I can't say that about this book. You'll want to put it down, many times. If you are like me, as you read David Platt's Radical, you'll find yourself uncomfortably targeted by the Holy Spirit. You'll see just how acclimated you are to the American dream. But you'll find another Way, one you know to be true, because you've heard it before in the words of the Lord Jesus, perhaps most forcefully in the simple call 'Follow me.'"
-Russell D. Moore, dean, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Can a Dying Church Find Life? Six Radical Steps to 'Yes'
by Thom S. Rainer
"In a blogpost earlier this week, I presented the findings of my "autopsy" on a church that just closed its doors and died. I knew the church well because I had been their consultant ten years earlier. The only surprise I found was that the church kept its door open five years longer than I had anticipated. Read more
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Dr. Lyons Weiler is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh where he is the Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core. With this vaccine, there is 21% chance that you will have "serious adverse events" (including death). Please view the video:
Dr. Lyons Weiler - Very Upset with the Rush of this Vaccine
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06/10/2017 - Have to apologize that this website was so long off line. Thanks for checking back.
08/25/2016 - Added Cold Cade Christianity - The Resurrection - VIDEO
A Homicide Detective takes an objective view
- J. Warner Wallace
06/20/2016 - Added What kind of God do we serve? What is a view of God from the scriptures? New Church Vision - Our Great God and our free will to the main page.
06/14/2016 - Added "Our prayers are with the relatives of Jo Cox and for England." to the main page.
06/14/2016 - Added "Our prayers are with those of the relatives and survivors of the nightclub attack in Orlando, Florida" to the main page.
03/06/2016 - Alterado para link em Português seções deste website muito melhor. Será a adição de mais artigos em português em breve. Ainda mais trabalho precisa ser feito. (Changed to link in Portuguese sections of this website much better. Will be adding more articles in Portuguese soon. Even more work needs to be done.)
02/27/2016 - adicionado Rio de Janeiro - Olimpíadas de 2016 - 5 de Agosto - 21 de Agosto Rio Olimpíadas de 2016
| Rio 2016 - Português | Espanhol / Español | Francês / Français | Inglês ; English |
02/27/2016 - added Rio de Janeiro - 2016 Olympics - 5th August - 21st August Rio 2016 Olympics Added to Search Specific Topics/Athletics - Many Lauguages
| Rio 2016 - English | French / Français | Spanish / Español | Portuguese / Português |
02/27/2016 - adicionado Dicionários livre Projeto - 60 línguas com muitas opções - incluindo flashcards de qualquer idioma para qualquer idioma Dicionário 60 Projecto de idioma - Procurem Tópicos Específicos
02/27/2016 - added Free Dictionaries Project - 60 Languages with many options - including flashcards from any language to any language Dictionary 60 language project to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
02/23/2016 - adicionado Vinte e uma línguas oficiais que podem ser aprendidos - cada um com muitos elos e os melhores sites (inclui o inglês como segunda língua) (tamanho por favor o website para 33%) Melhor índice de sites de web no idioma - Procurem Tópicos Específicos
02/23/2016 - added Twenty one Languages that can be learned - Each with a many links and the best links (includes English as Second Language) (Please size the website to 33%) Best Language Websites Index to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
02/22/2016 - added
God's -Not- Dead 2 - Sequel to God's Not Dead from Pureflix - coming April 1, 2016 in United States and Canada.
Dios -No- Está Muerte 2 - Sequela de Deus não é morto de Pureflix - provenientes de 1 de Abril de 2016 (Site está em Espanhol)
Dios -No- Está Muerte 2 - Secuela de Dios no está muerto de Pureflix - viniendo de Abril 1, 2016
Abril 1 | USA (En Español en cines selectos) | México | Abril 7 | Puerto Rico | República Dominicana | Bolivia | Colombia | Chile | Perú |
Abril 8 | Ecuador | Abril 22 | Argentina | Mayo 6 | Paraguay |
Dios -No- Está Muerte 2 - Teatros en Español en los Estados Unidos
to Webmaster Recommends on main page
and Pesquisar (-) A Sério Todos Os
02/21/2016 - added Risen - “Risen” is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection and the weeks that followed, as seen through the eyes of an unbelieving Roman soldier - This movie is to be very true to the Biblical story - opens Jan 19, 2016
Here is my review ...
to Webmaster Recommends on main page
02/18/2016 - added Brasil - Your Next Trip Starts Here Busca Onibus - Seach for taking Bus to Travel-Many Languages
02/18/2016 - adicionado Brasil - Sua Próxima Viagem Começa Aqui Busca Onibus adicionado a Viagem - vários idiomas de - Procurem Tópicos Específicos
02/17/2016 - added Since 1977, The Trailblazing Travel Resource for Work, Living, Volunteering, and Study Abroad Transitions Abroad Added to Search Specific Topics/Business/Job Search
02/17/2016 - added and modified Risen - “Risen” is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection and the weeks that followed, as seen through the eyes of an unbelieving Roman soldier - This movie is to be very true to the Biblical story - opens Jan 19, 2016
Miracles From Heaven - From the studio that brought you Heaven Is For Real, don't miss the incredible true story coming March 16, 2016.
MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter’s healing as she searches for a solution.
After Anna has a freak accident and falls three stories, a miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired.11/23/2015 - added True Reason - Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism to Ultimate Search
Today's New Atheists proclaim themselves our culture's party of reason. It is a claim they cannot sustain. Reason is the New Atheists' weakness, not their strength and in fact, the Christian faith is a far better place to look for True Reason. 11/13/2015 - added Our Prayers are with Paris to Webmaster Recommends on main page
11/10/2015 - added Our Prayers are with Coach Joe Kennedy Read the Story to Webmaster Recommends on main page
10/11/2015 - added With extensive parking coverage in over 52 countries, Parkopedia is the leading information provider to automotive organizations around the world parkopedia to Travel-Many Languages - The many languages show up when searching in areas of countries outside of the United States.
10/10/2015 - added What does Dr. Ben Carson have to say about Creation, Evolution and Jesus?
Creation vs Evolution. to Ultimate Search
10/5/2015 - added - Our prayer are with those of the town of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
10/2/2015 - added Laughing in the Dark - Laughing In The Dark chronicles Chonda’s life, her struggles and God’s faithfulness.- opens Oct 27, 2015 - one day only.- to Webmaster Recommends on main page
09/29/2015 - added Finding Noah - Exploring Mount Ararat to explore for the final resting spot of Noah's Ark with using state of the art technology and real-time satellite imagery - opens Oct 8, 2015 - one day only.- to Webmaster Recommends on main page
09/23/2015 - added
DuckDuckGo: The search engine that doesn't track you. A superior search experience with smarter answers, less clutter and real privacy. Many Languages also. Returns great results.
to on main page
09/22/2015 - added The Best Christian Portal on the Internet ChristiansUnite to Christian Portals
09/20/2015 - added - -- "War Room not only hit #1 in U.S. theaters (over Labor Day weekend), it also has been the #1 movie in Central America and Bolivia! War Room is also playing in Spanish in some American theaters. Please keep praying for the movie's impact around the world!"
«¡Cuarto de Guerra no sólo golpeó número una en los cines de Estados Unidos (alrededor de Lunes, 7 de Septiembre), también ha sido la película número una en América Central y Bolivia! Cuarto de Guerra
también se juega en español en algunos teatros de Estados Unidos. ¡Por favor seguir orando por el impacto de la película todo el mundo!» Cuarto de Guerra - la Pelicula
«Sala de Guerra não só atingiu o número um nos cinemas dos EUA (em torno de Segunda-feira, dia 7 de Setembro), também tem sido o filme número um na América Central e na Bolívia! Sala de Guerra também está
jogando em espanhol em alguns cinemas dos EUA. Por favor seguir orando para o impacto do filme ao redor do mundo!»
Cuarto de Guerra - la Pelicula
Adicionado Em breve para o Brasil: Sala de Guerra do Filme (site em Espanhol)
«Sala de Guerra não só atingiu o número um nos cinemas dos EUA (em torno de Segunda-feira, dia 7 de Setembro), também tem sido o filme número um na América Central e na Bolívia! Sala de Guerra também está
jogando em espanhol em alguns cinemas dos EUA. Por favor seguir orando para o impacto do filme ao redor do mundo!»
para Pesquisar (-) A Sério Todos Os
09/13/2015 - added - A Christian band that was featured on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon For King and Country - Enjoy - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
09/09/2015 - added - United We Stand Stronger As Americans - What did our Founding Fathers really say? For Which We Stand - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
08/30/2015 - added Typing Study with 25 languages - Games and History - 15 Free Lessons Typing Study to Search Specific Topics/Writing (Typing) - Many Languages
08/30/2015 - Updated upcoming movies:
Captive - Faith, Redemption, Survival - Based on the inspiring true story - opens Sept 28, 2015
- to Webmaster Recommends on main page
08/29/2015 - Updated upcoming movies:
WarRoom Prayer is a Powerful Weapon - opens August 28, 2015 - in theaters now - Great and powerfully moving movie.
90 Minutes in Heaven - Based on the incredible true story and New York Times Bestseller - opens Sept 11, 2015
Hillsong Movie:Let Hope Arise in theaters Sept 30, 2015 - The worship band - It's not about them - It's about Him!
Woodlawn - True story of how love and unity overcame hate and division in early 1970s Birmingham, Ala. in a football team it affects them and their town in ways no one could have imagined - opens Oct 16. 2015
The 33 - Discover the miraculous true story of miners and their rescue - opens Nov 13, 2015
Risen - “Risen” is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection and the weeks that followed, as seen through the eyes of an unbelieving Roman soldier - remains to be seen how true to the Bible this will be - opens Jan 22, 2016
- to Webmaster Recommends on main page
07/21/2015 - Added Seatzy™ is first and foremost a platform for movie goers that will allow all of us to participate in the process of supporting the films we love by...read more - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
07/20/2015 - Added Audacity - Watch the Trailer - A movie that the LGBTQ community is warning against.
Download for $19.99 and, 1. See “Audacity” a month before its August 19 release, 2. Get other free material (see details below), and, 3. Help us create future Christian movies…for which we are very grateful (this movie becomes yours to watch as many times as you please). - to Webmaster Recommends on main page - also organized the movie listings better.
07/04/2015 - Added BEM-VINDO AO FACEGLÓRIA! A Rede social perfeita para você compartilhar o amor e a sabedoria cristã com outras pessoas Facegloria added to Chat, and to Family Friendly websites.
07/02/2015 - Added - Help out SweetCakes by Melissa with their $135,000 ruling against them Read the Story and Contribute Here - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
06/30/2015 - added GoEuro - Travel by Car Plane Bus - Across Europe Cheapest -- Multiple Languages
GoEuro users plug in a destination - from a major city to a town or even a village - and the service, which resembles Hipmunk or Kayak, returns listing for rail, air and bus transit, including schedules and pricing. From there, travelers can select the cheapest mode of transport, the scenic route or, if they're lucky, both. - Entrepreneur.com goeuro to Travel-Many Languages and - added to Search in New Ways.
06/30/2015 - Added -What to do to protect freedom of speech Forget A Federal Marriage Amendment and Go For Religious Freedom Acts in All 50 States - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
06/29/2015 - Added - What we need to be doing now - a book to buy Truth Overruled by Ryan T. Anderson or here - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
06/29/2015 - Added - Three things your church must do immediately to protect itself - to Webmaster Recommends on main page
06/28/2015 - Added - What Christian ministries are there to those enslaved by Alcohol or drugs? Here is one such successful ministry that could be copied around the world:
The Mission House of North Kitsap as well as The Mission House of South Kitsap (all for men, but plans for a Women's mission house are in the making. - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
06/27/2015 - Added Note which companies to Boycott - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
06/26/2015 - Added What to do now for those in the United States: The Supreme Court has issued edict - this is what we must do - Jay Richards - How to defend traditional marriage. The rest of the world will get good guidance here also.
Our prayers are with those of the AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
06/07/2015 - Added What is the Holy Spirit and are the Gifts for today? How desperate do we need to be for the Holy Spirit? How do we employ spiritual gifts in an orderly manner? New Church Vision - What About Gifts - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
06/01/2015 - Added - A Matter of Faith - Local Previews in Seattle starting June 8 continuing through June 29 in various theaters - Also nationwide - A Matter of Faith - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
05/31/2015 - Added Soothing Songs based on the Psalms - by the Sons of Korah - Enjoy - to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
05/26/2015 - Added The Stream is a national daily championing freedom, smaller government and human dignity. Offering both original content and the best from across the web, The Stream challenges the worst in the mainstream media while offering a rich and lively source for breaking news, inspiration, analysis and entertainment.
The Stream to Conservative News, Conservative Commentary and Liberal Commentary
05/25/2015 - Added - That Web - Czech Republic Current Popular top 100 websites - please copy and paste them into the address bar That Web to Search Specific Topics/Countries
05/05/2015 - Added - Can a Dying Church Find Life? Six Radical Steps to 'Yes' by Thom S. Rainer
"In a blogpost earlier this week, I presented the findings of my "autopsy" on a church that just closed its doors and died. I knew the church well because I had been their consultant ten years earlier. The only surprise I found was that the church kept its door open five years longer than I had anticipated. Read more
to New Church Vision - Individual and Corporate to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
05/03/2015 - Added Individual considerations to What is the way for Churches to conduct themselves - Individual and Corporate? What are Biblical methods to judge success? New Church Vision - Individual and Corporate to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
04/26/2015 - Added What is the way for Churches to conduct themselves - Individual and Corporate? What are Biblical methods to judge success? New Church Vision - Individual and Corporate to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
04/23/2015 - Added: Who is Running for President (and Who's Not)? - New York Times Update Page to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
04/21/2015 - Added: Ambassadors for Christ - Reaching Chinese Intellectuals for Christ in this Generation
Ambassadors for Christ - English | Chinese / 繁| to Christian Portals
04/19/2015 - Added:
Where Hope Grows An unexpected journey. An unexpected friendship - Godspeed pictures - opens May 15 - PG 13.
Faith of Our Fathers A story of fatherhood. A journey of brotherhood - opens July 1, 2015
WarRoom Prayer is a Powerful Weapon - opens August 28, 2015
Hillsong Movie:Let Hope Arise in theaters Sept 30, 2015 - The worship band - It's not about them - It's about Him!
Sites that are producing most of these movies:
Finding more:
to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
03/27/2015 - Added Comments:
Three questions for those who consider evolution:
1. How did the first cell know that it needed to divide at all?
2. How did the first cell know that it needed to divide perfectly?
3. How did the first cell know how to divide perfectly?
Furthermore, did you know that the first 3-D printer was the first living cell? (Even not counting cell division)
added to An animated and narrated tour of the cell. to Ultimate Search
03/24/2015 - added Hacking Chinese - Everything you need to know about studying Chinese, but no-one will tell you Hacking Chinese
03/22/2015 - added Sermons (Audio) and Bible Study (Text) Cantonese - English - Mandarin from a Chinese - English Church in Toronto - Canada - 佈道 (音訊) 和聖經 》 研究 (文本) 粵語-英語-從漢語普通話-英國教會在多倫多-加拿大 Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church Sermons
03/18/2015 - Added
Others who are addressing the same issues - letting the Bible speak for itself:
The Gospel and Homosexuality by David Platt
On Love, Homosexuality, and Sin: An Evangelical Proposal By Rob Schwarzwalder
to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
03/14/2015 - added CalorieKing has the weight control tools most recommended by health professionals. calorieking.com to Search Specific Topics/Food and to Specialty Search.
03/13/2015 Hillsong Movie: Let Hope Arise - in theaters May 29, 2015. The worship band - It's not about them - It's about Him. to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
03/07/2015 - Added Do You Believe? This stirring new film from the creators of God's Not Dead arrives in theaters March 20, 2015. More than a movie, it's a question we all must answer in our lifetimes: DO YOU BELIEVE? to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
03/07/2015 - Added Where Hope Grows An unexpected journey. An unexpected friendship - Godspeed pictures
May 15 to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
02/16/2015 - added A Romantic Drama - Ultimately, Clay must step out from behind his relational theories and Amber must overcome her own fears and deep wounds as the two of them, together, attempt the impossible: an 'old-fashioned' and God-honoring courtship in contemporary America. Now in theaters. Old Fashioned Movie to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
02/12/2015 - added Welcome to 8notes - Free Sheet Music, Riffs, Lessons and Tools for musicians who play. 8 Notes to Search Specific Topics/Music
02/10/2015 - added the Editors of World Tribune.com and Geostrategy-Direct.com decided to establish a unique intelligence report focusing exclusively on East Asia and drawing on the abilities of a network of Asia hands and who live and work in the Far East and veteran correspondents worldwide. East Asia News to Conservative News
02/09/2015 - added What is the way for Churches to deal with sin - whether it be any kind including homosexuality? Speak the truth in love. Be a Healing and Transformational Church. New Church Vision - Sin and Homosexuality to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
02/07/2015 - added The All New Family and Kids Friendly Search Engine - with access to other languages / locations Ahdle - The Family Friendly Search to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added Family Friendly Sites is not only Family-Friendly it is now SEO Friendly. The staff has revisited every listing in our directory to make sure they are still following our guidelines. Family Friendly Websites
02/07/2015 - added here are many tools available that parents can employ to guide their children to safe and rewarding online experiences. There are also many different types of tools that may fit your family's needs and values. There are a lot to choose from. Here are some tips for choosing the tool or tools that are right for your family. Get Net Wise to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added With Dr. Charisse Nixon, Stan is co-leading the Youth Voice Research Project, which has collected information from more than 13,000 young people in the United States about what works and what doesn’t work in bullying prevention. Stop Bullying Now to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added SafetyWeb monitors their online and mobile activity so you’re in the know without stepping on anyone’s toes. Safety Web to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added WiredSafety is the largest and oldest online safety, education, and help group in the world. Wired Safety to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added Home of --Don't Stand By, Stand Up--, StopCyberbullying was the first cyberbullying prevention program in North America Stop Cyber Bullying to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added The National Crime Prevention Council’s mission is to be the nation's leader in helping people keep themselves, their families, and their communities safe from crime. National Crime Prevention Association to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added The Cyberbullying Research Center is dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Cyber bullying Research Center to Family Friendly websites.
02/07/2015 - added NCSA's mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school, protecting the technology individuals use, the networks they connect to, and our shared digital assets. National Cybersecurity Alliance to Family Friendly websites.
02/05/2015 - added Drop Box - the movie - A drop box is a warm bin, lodged in a wall. This allows mothers to deposit their children without being seen - “The Drop Box”: Promoting - Life Documentary to be shown in Theaters March 3, 4 and 5 The Drop Box - the movie to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
02/04/2015 - added Dffen - Compare Anything - Wiki - with comments welcome Diffen to Database Engines
02/03/2015 - added VOA has served the world with a consistent message of truth, hope and inspiration. Voice of America News and Voice of America - Multiple Languages to Conservative News and Liberal Commentary
02/02/2015 - added Practical Discipleship to Ultimate Search at the bottom.
01/31/2015 - added Hebrew for Christians - Learn the Language of the Kingdom - numerous links for Biblical Greek also Hebrew for Christians to Search Specific Topics/Language
01/31/2015 - added Road map to the Chinese internet - Setup to communicate with the real Internet Chinese Roadmap to Search Specific Topics/Countries
01/31/2015 - added Soothing Hymns with harmony, orchestra, and natural settings: FountainView - Enjoy. to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
01/24/2015 - updated Y- Jesus to now include German, Korean, and Russian. | Y-Jesus - English | Arabic / العربية | Chinese / 中文 | Dutch / Dansk | French / Français | German / Deutsch | Hindi / हिन्दी | Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia | Italian / Italiano | Japanese / 日本語 | Korean / 한국어 | Portuguese / Português | Punjabi / ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | Russian / Русский | Spanish / Español | Swahili / Kiswahili | Urdu / اردو |
01/21/2015 - added Apologetics Conference January 23-24 at Keyport Bible Church - Keyport, Washington Keyport Apologetics to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
Session 1: Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?
Session 2: Is Belief in God Reasonable?
Session 3: Can You Trust the Bible?
01/19/2015 - added The Principle - One of the Most Heated Debates of the Century - Is our galaxy (and therefore earth) at the apparent center of the known universe? - coming January 23 to select theaters - Orange, California so far The Priniciple to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
01/15/2015 - added What is Sharia Law (Multi - many languages) anyway? (Warning: graphic) to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
01/13/2015 - added Where would you like to eat today? - Ireland, Italy, Greece, Carribean, France, Brazil, England, Hawai'i, Singapore, Chili, Argentina, Spain, Hungary, Malaysia, Austria, and China - Great Chefs Food Planet - TV to Search Specific Topics/Food-Many Languages
01/13/2015 - added GasBuddy helps you find cheap gas prices near you - and more deals Gas Buddy to Specialty Search.
1/8/2015 - added With independent, daily reporting from around Europe, The Local is a window on life in other cultures The Local to Conservative News
1/6/2015 - added Take a whirlwind tour of your next favorite programming language. Community-driven - written in many languages Learn X in Y Minutes to Search Specific Topics/Education Portals
1/5/2014 - added That Web - Your Full Service Website Guide - Popular top 100 (usually) websites for each country That Web to Search Specific Topics/Countries
1/4/2015 - added Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus - You Never Know Where a Crisis of Faith Will Lead You.
A Thought-Provoking One Night Event - Monday, January 19, 2015 - In Select Theatres Nationwide to main page of this website.
1/4/2015 - added What does the Quran have to say about Jesus? "Holy Quran Converted Me to Christianity" says Imam Sulaiman aka Mario Joseph to Ultimate Search
1/2/2015 - added Chineasy - see the YouTube video! Chineasy - Learn Chinese symbols the easy way! Chineasy is being translated into 12 languages in 2014! Check out where to buy for more information (inexpensively priced). to Search Specific Topics/Language
1/1/2015 - added Top 100 Chinese Websites - from 2001, but most links work China Education and Research Network to Search Specific Topics/Countries
12/30/2014 - added -- Want to see the ball drop live at New Years at Times Square? See - New Years Live at Times Square -- to main page of this website. 1/1/2015 - Removed until next year.
12/15/2014 - added Now there is evidence against this - Noah's Ark as found by Ron Wyatt.
As Christians: 1 Thessalonians 5:21 states: ‘Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good.’ Noah's Ark may be found yet, but this is not it.
12/06/2014 - added God and Science -Evidence for God from Science - Is God real or just an outdated concept? Who is God? Do we need God or can we get along fine without Him?
Don't miss - The Incredible Design of the Earth and Our Solar System - The co-rotational radius blew me away - and it is only one of the 66 factors for Uniqueness of the Galaxy-Sun-Earth-Moon System for Life Support. This gives uniqueness of the earth as 1 in 1099. This with the estimate of the number of stars in the observable universe liberally as 1024. This with a figure of say 10 planets per star would give 1025 planets in the observable universe. I would say that 1099 certainly overshadows 1025. God and Science added to Ultimate Search
12/02/2014 - added This site which supplies guitar tabs, guitar chords and lyrics and allows searching based on Artists, Songs, and Public books. There is also My songbook, Resources, and a Forum - added to Search in New Ways.
11/30/2014 - Checked and fixed a number of links that were broken on Search Specific Topics. Working on the Portugese version of that page as well.
11/30/2014 - added Cyndi's List - A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online. Your genealogy starting point for more than 18 years! Cyndi's List to added to Search Specific Topics /Genealogy
11/23/2014 - updated and added to the Privileged Species event - Pacific Northwest Premiere - Michael Denton Rocks the Museum of Flight as Privileged Species Premieres in Seattle to a Packed House -- Are humans the accidental products of a blind and uncaring universe? Or are they the beneficiaries of a cosmic order that was planned beforehand to help them flourish? -- Now available for purchase: Privileged Species - the Movie -- added to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
11/20/2014 - added These are the Days of Elijah - The Marines - Hoo Rah! - Could this video go viral? to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
11/18/2014 - added Saving Christmas with Kirk Cameron - Put Christ back in Christmas - In theaters already - limited engagement unless there is a surge of people keeping it in the theaters! Was added to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
11/16/2014 - added FaithTap for inspiring quotes, blogs, or videos to Recommends on main page.
11/13/2014 - added Want to find out best foods and practices to avoid cancer? Check out --
"American Institute for Cancer Research - in English, Dutch, and Chinese" to Recommends on main page.
10/31/2014 - added back in Conservative News, Conservative Commentary, Liberal Commentary
10/26/2014 - added Alternate Theories of the Resurrection to Ultimate Search
10/25/2014 - added The right of churches to freely speak the truth is under threat in Houston. I Stand Sunday is a special nationwide simulcast from Houston on Sunday, November 2nd at 6:00 p.m. CT/7:00 p.m. ET. to Webmaster Recommends on main page. Made some changes there to update recent posts. Also included an upcoming event in the Pacific Northwest: Privileged Species event - Pacific Northwest Premiere - Free, but one must register.
9/27/2014 - added Science and Faith are they really in conflict? to Webmaster Recommends - change to half recommends on main page.
7/19/2014 - added - English-language Wiktionary Free-Content Multilingual Dictionary English-language Wiktionary Free-Content Multilingual Dictionary to Translation Help
7/19/2014 - added - Japanese Thesaurus Japanese Thesaurus to Translation Help
7/17/2014 - added - Persecuted the Movie Persecuted the Movie - "The new movie Persecuted opening in July 18, 2014 depicts evangelist John Luther as the last obstacle in the way of sweeping religious reform. When a Senator frames Luther..." - added to Webmaster Recommends - change to half recommends on main page.
7/17/2014 - added - The Undernet is one of the largest realtime chat networks in the world, with approximately 19 servers connecting over 35 countries and serving more than 1,000,000 people weekly. Undernet.org - realtime chat network added to Chat
7/17/2014 - added - The Straight Dope - Fighting Ignorance since 1973 - (It's taking longer than we thought) - by Cecil Adams - The World's Smartest Man - with his team. The Straight Dope in Live Question and Answer
7/15/2014 - added - Lonely Planet - Worldwide Destinations, Shop (Destination guides, eBooks, Pictorial & gifts, Phrasebooks, Activity guides, Special offers), Thorn Tree Forums, Interests (Adventure travel, Beaches, Budget travel, Family travel, Festivals and events, Food and drink, Honeymoons and romance, Luxury travel, Round the world travel, Wildlife and nature), Travel Booking (Hotels, Flights, Insurance) Worldwide Destinations, Shop, Thorn Tree Forums, Interests, Travel Booking added to Search Specific Topics /Travel-Many Languages
7/14/2014 - added - You can find some of the latest medical research, new approaches to treat diseases, and to watch the efforts of scientists for the production of new medicines, which will succeed in crippling diseases such as cancer, Aids and Alzheimer World Wide Medical News added to Search Specific Topics/Health - Many Languages
7/13/2014 - added Productivity501 - Productivity501 is a site dedicated to bringing you regular tips and tricks to help increase your personal productivity. This site focuses on original content so the publication schedule is a little slower than other blogs out there. Generally we try to have at least one new article each week, but the focus is on posting when we have something that will benefit our readers. Productivity - Technology - Development - Organize - Money - Time Added to Search Specific Topics/Business/Job Search
7/12/2014 - added You're on the move. We're here to help - Moving.com - Moving Cost Estimator (in Spanish also) with other helps and connections to and comparison of providers and movers You're on the move. We're here to help added to Search Specific Topics /Moving-Many Languages
7/12/2014 - Finished working on adding similarsite links for those links missing them on Search Specific Topics
7/6/2014 - Working on adding similarsite links for those links missing them on Search Specific Topics
7/5/2014 -Added If you think the kinesin above was amazing, look at the whole cell. This will blow your mind!
An animated and narrated tour of the cell. Also since the narration is hard to hear over the music, one of the comments below it has the narration typed out. Note that certain proteins read DNA to make RNA, then Ribosomes read RNA to make proteins. These same proteins have been elusive - in that we have not been able to make them in the laboratory. Even if and when we can, it is still amazing that all this protein creation is on auto pilot - brought about solely from mechanisms reading DNA. -- Added this to Ultimate Search
6/29/2014 - Working on Spanish and Portuguese pages for this website. Feedback is welcome at wessteinbr at inallearnest.com
6/29/2014 - For Worship: Christian Worship Music Mix #1, Christian Worship Music Mix #2, Christian Worship Music Mix #3, and Christian Worship Music Mix #4 More Upbeat: Christian Dance Music Mix #1, Christian Dance Music Mix #2, Te Amo, Te Amo, I Love You, Blood Bought Church, and Skillet - Awake and Alive - added to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
5/23/2014 - WinSite specialty Software archive WinSite specialty Software archive to Search Specific Topics - Automation/Computers
5/21/2014 - View the Greatest Small Workhorse of the Cell - Kinesin - This will blow your mind! It is found in each and every cell of all humans, animals, plants and fungus! The Workhorse of the Cell - Kinesin to Ultimate Search
5/20/2014 - The Methods of Dealing with the Heartbleed Vulnerability added to Webmaster Recommends - main page
4/20/2014 - You Version - Free - Tens of millions of people are using the Bible App™ to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device. Available in more than 100 languages worldwide. You Version added to Search Specific Topics/Scripture - Many Languages
4/20/2014 - Biblegateway - Has link to put website into Spanish. Can download audio bibles numerous languages also. Biblegateway to Search Specific Topics/Scripture
4/20/2014 Wilderness & Urban Survival Skills - An online resource for survival information. From wilderness and urban survival to emergency preparedness and off grid living, we provide you with the knowledge you need to survive. This was put in place of Suvival 5x5 which went off line. to Search Specific Topics/Preparation
4/16/2014 Gosnell - Movie - A historic crowdfunding campaign for a movie about America's biggest serial killer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the media cover-up. added to to Webmaster Recommends - main page
4/15/2014 Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Mayo Clinic added to Search Specific Topics/Health - Many Languages
4/6/2014 Powering the world's events and activities Active - Many Countries / Languages
3/17/2014 - The Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA) is a public-private partnership of people, organizations, and regional alliances that work together to improve preparedness, mitigation and resiliency. Earthquake Country - English | Español | to Search Specific Topics/Preparation - Many Languages - and for other Spanish speaking countries also ( y para los demás países también).
3/16/2014 - Safe and Secure Online - Internet Safety for Kids! Volunteer, Request a Presentation, Download Resources. So far it is available in the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Safe and Secure Online - Family Friendly websites.
3/15/2014 -
God's Not Dead - the Movie-English | Spanish / Español | to start showing all across the United States on March 21, 2014. to Webmaster Recommends -main page.
3/13/2014 - Tomnod - Search Satellite Images - as in Search for MH370 MalaysiaAir Airliner Tomnod - Search Satellites Images to Search Specific Topics/Region
3/12/2014 - Duck Commander talks about why the Country needs Jesus to Webmaster Recommends -main page.
3/11/2014 - TheNewDifferent - Twitter and
TheNewDifferent - YouTube to Webmaster Recommends -main page.
3/8/2014 - Zhongwen.com - Chinese Characters and Culture Zhongwen.com to Search Specific Topics/Language
3/2/2014 - Illustra Media produces video documentaries that examine the scientific case for intelligent design. These award-winning films have been distributed throughout the world and translated into more than twenty languages.Illustra Media added to Ultimate Search
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Return to Home Page
2/26/2014 - Ready.gov - Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed - Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Get Involved Ready.gov to Search Specific Topics/Preparation - Many Languages - Ready.gov - English | Spanish / Español | French / Français | Russian / Pусский | Haitian / Kreyól Ayisyen | Tagolog / Tagolog | Vietnamese / TiếngViệt | Japanese / 日本語 | Korean / 한국어 | Chinese / 中文 | Arabic / العربية | Hindi / हिन्दी | Urdu / اردو, |
2/23/2014 - Command line reference – Web, Database and OS scripting.Command Line Reference - SS64 added to Search Specific Topics/Automation/Computer
2/21/2014 - Thousands of World Newspapers at Your Fingertips Online Newspapers to Search Specific Topics/News Many Languages - and to Alternative News. | Online Newspapers - English | French / Français | German / Deutsch | Italian / Italiano | Portuguese / Português | Spanish / Español | - More languages in the newspapers - these are the languages for browsing all the rest.
2/20/2014 - Compare Book Prices at 130 Bookstores - Lowest Book Price on 200 Million New & Used Books, Textbooks, Book Rentals! BookFinder4U to Product Portals.
2/19/2014 - Wachowicz's Web World - Web Sites for Discerning Finance Students Wachowicz's Web World Added to Search Specific Topics/Business/Job Search
2/19/2014 - Which Number Would You Like to Remember - Major system | Phone spell | Association | Peg system Rememberg. Added to Search Specific Topics/Memory
2/19/2014 - Tech Support Guy - If you're looking for free technical* support, you've found it! This site is run completely by volunteers and paid for completely by donations and sponsors. *Windows, Linux, Mac, Cisco, and more. TechGuy added to Search Specific Topics/Automation/Computer
2/12/2014 - Human Origins and Intelligent Design Idea Center.org to Ultimate Search
2/9/2014 -Darkness at Full Moon? - Two Roman Historians record the Darkness Miracle at Jesus' Crucifiction - Other Historians about Jesus - All disciples Martyred - Jesus' Influence Grant Jefferey to Ultimate Search
2/9/2014 -Even More Historical Quotes about Jesus Never Thirsty - Historical Quotes about Jesus to Ultimate Search
2/9/2014 - Darkness at Full Moon? - Two Roman Historians record the Darkness Miracle at Jesus' Crucifiction Never Thirsty - Darkness at Full Moon? to Ultimate Search
2/5/2014 - CheapFlights - We work with over 300 partners to bring you better travel deals . -- Multiple Languages Cheap Flights added to Search Specific Topics /Travel-Many Languages
2/3/2014 -The Marine Traffic Project provides free real-time information to the public, about ship movements and ports, mainly across the coast-lines of many countries around the world.Marine Traffic added to Search Specific Topics /Travel-Many Languages
2/2/2014 - A New World of Certified Free Learning. Alison Online Learning to Product Portals.
2/1/2014 - The Patriot Nurse - "I take a very balanced approach to prepping that is decidedly reason-based." Prepping for medical needs after food and weapons are accounted for. The Patriot Nurse to Search Specific Topics/Preparation
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1/29/2014 - EMET-Online.org Endowment for Middle East Truth added to Webmaster Recommends on main page.
1/29/2014 -Added Free Programming Resources - Links to all types of programming languages (Articles, Books, Compilers, Databases, FAQs, Forums, Games, Graphics, Languages, Libraries, Mobile, .NET, OS, Protocols, Remotely Hosted, Security, Source Code, Tutorials, Tools, Web Services, Web Design) on all the Internet. Free Programming Resources to Product Portals.
1/28/2014 - Added Quizlet - The world learns on quizlet - We make simple tools that let you study anything, for free - Use what others have made, or do your own for your use and others to use. Simple Free Learning Tools for Students and Teachers - Quizlet to Product Portals.
1/23/2014 - Recipes, Dinner Menus, Articles & Tips Basic-Recipes added to Search Specific Topics/Food
Also added - Open Cooks - Food is where you're from. It's culture. And it's language. Opencooks is crowd-sourced multilingual recipes. Browse, create, and translate recipes in multiple languages. - English, Japanese, Italian, Chinese. Open Cooks added to Search Specific Topics/Food-Many Languages
1/22/2014 - Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to automatically transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Internet of Things (IoT) to Internet of Everything
1/21/2014 - Drugs.com is the most popular, comprehensive and up-to-date source of drug information online. Providing free, peer-reviewed, accurate and independent data on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines & natural products. Drugs.com added to Search Specific Topics/Remedy / Drugs
1/20/2014 - Time and Date - and Calendars, Etc. BBC News, April 28, 2006 – positive review, stating that timeanddate.com was one of the best sites on the World Wide Web and that “timeanddate.com is a brilliant resource, especially if you travel a lot”. Time and Date - and Calendars, Etc added to Search Specific Topics/Time
Earth Calendar - Holidays by Date, Country, Religion as well as Lunar Phases: Earth Calendar - Holidays added to Search Specific Topics/Time
Current local time and date in every time zone worldwide! -- in English and French. Are you about to make an International long distance phone call? Are you planning a trip to a foreign destination? Are you preparing for a web cast or online meeting? Are you looking for a free clock for your own web site or blog? Just want to know what time it is? -- Also has local news for each country / state. World Time Server - Plus Local News added to Search Specific Topics/Time-Many Languages
Added At ChristianMusic.com to Webmaster Recommends - main page.
1/14/2014 - Flight Aware - Track airplane flights for free in real time worldwide. -- Multiple Languages
Flight Aware added to Search Specific Topics /Travel-Many Languages
1/13/2014 - MyMemory - Get a better translation with 640.992.342 human contributions -
next generation Translation Memory technology
What is MyMemory? MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. MyMemory is 100% free.
My-Memory Translated.net | English | Italiano | Español | Français | Deutsch | Português | Русский | 日本語 | 汉语
added to to Search Specific Topics/Translation
1/12/2014 - Zeitgeist challenge at KingDavid8: Christ-myther challenge - you could win $1000 - for those who think that the claim of the Jesus story is really being influenced by pre-Christian deities. No one has earned the prize, though one has tried.
Jesus really existed and that is recorded inside and outside the Bible. And the Bible is trustworthy and not contradictory.
King David 8 to Ultimate Search
1/11/2014 - Adam, Eve - Contemporary - New findings. Adam and Eve Together to Ultimate Search
21/10/2014 - Added Dmoz Search to this page. Dmoz is the largest human edited directory of the Internet. I have linked the Roget categories to the Dmoz categories along with categories of other directories
1/9/2014 - JafSec.com was created so that visitors are able to quickly and easily find the solution/s they are looking for from one central website. Ultimately to help visitors by showing them what is available on the market today and enabling them to making the correct decisions. Jafsec added to Search Specific Topics/Automation/Computer
1/8/2014 - Largest Human-Edited Directory of the Web - Computer Section
DMOZ - Computers added to Search Specific Topics/Automation/Computer - Many Languages
1/7/2014 - Search among 17 categories with up to 10 search engines in each of those categories.
The Categories are: Audio/Music, Blogs, Books, CSS Gallaries, Fonts, Images, Jobs, Lyrics, News, People, Recipes, Search Engines, Social Bookmarks, Stock Photos, Tutorials, Vidoes, Web 2.0 Sites
Search for Whatever in 17 Categories (Search.io) added to Specialty Search.
1/6/2014 - Guide to the Cosmos Making the Wonders of our Universe Accessible to Everyone Robert L. Piccioni, Ph.D. Guide to the Cosmos to Search Specific Topics/Physics
1/5/2014 - Hyper History - Christian Perspective - Free Also check out his list of links. Added to Search Specific Topics/History
1/4/2014 - TimeMap's World History Atlas is the most comprehensive history atlas available on the Internet. Use it to visit any civilization, nation or empire and see the context, chronology, connections and big pictures of history. It makes history easy to visualize and navigate, through both time and place. Added to Search Specific Topics/History
1/3/2014 - Added Glossanet (which has the following two parts)
1) Search engine in RSS feeds -
GlossaNet is a specialized search engine and also watch engine. It lets you make searches in every published texts on the Internet in the form of RSS feeds : press, media, blogs, forum, firms, etc.
You specify a RSS publication list, you register a query and the system will analyse these sources and will search some keywords or expressions that you will have already specified. Then you could consult results on the GlossaNet interface or choose to receive reports by email.
This service is free and works everywhere in every languages.
- and -
2) Linguistic watch -
This service is really useful for linguists : you can constitute specialized corpora and locate in them some words or syntactical structures attestations. Results are coming in the form of concordances.
As GlossaNet uses electronic dictionaries , users can ripen their queries with morphological, syntactical and semantic informations (thus it is a precious tool for corpus linguists). These queries can be written under the shape of words, complex expressions or graphs.
GlossaNet - English | French / Français - Register now, it is free! added to Specialty Search.
1/2/2014 - A Review of "Altenberg 16 - An exposé of the Evolution Industry" by Susan Mazur
"Because this book was written by an evolutionist, creation scholars will especially love it. The Altenberg 16 looks at the rivalry in science today surrounding attempts to discover “the elusive process of evolution”. Its centerpiece is the by-invitation-only symposium held at Altenberg, Austria, in July 2008, attended by 16 evolutionary scientists, called the Altenberg 16"
Review Altenberg 16 - English | Portuguese / Português to Ultimate Search
1/1/2014 - Shortcutworld - A wiki-style reference database for keyboard shortcuts - whether Windows, Linux or Mac Shortcutworld to Search Specific Topics/Automation/Computer - Many Languages
Corrected some links in this newest additions - specifically the link to www.10fastfingers.com (and some links to Search Specific Topic).
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9/20/2013 - Remove Yourself from All Background Check Web Sites: A Master ListPinola on Removing from Internet to Privacy
9/19/2013 - Added - Hijacking the Historical Jesus Hijacking to Ultimate Search
9/1/2013 - Added - The Case for Christ - Lee Stobel and his journey from atheism to faith through evidence The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel to Ultimate Search
9/1/2013 - Added - Darwin's Doubt - The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design by Dr. Stephen C. Myer - author of Signature in the Cell: "Meyer is developing a more fundamental argument for intelligent design that is based not on a single feature like the bacterial flagellum, but rather on a pervasive feature of all living systems. Alongside matter and energy, Dr. Meyer shows that there is a third fundamental entity in the universe needed for life: information." Darwin's Doubt to Ultimate Search
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7/22/2013 - Added - Tile, the world's largest lost and found. Locate anything with Tile (using your iOS). It has never been easier to find your keys - or anything else to which you attach the tile. The Tile App to Internet of Everything
7/19/2013 - Added - Four Dead in Benghazi to Webmaster Recommends - main page
7/18/2013 - Added - 10 Fast Fingers - Typing in Many languages - practice and compete.10 Fast Fingers to Search Specific Topics/Writing (Typing) - Many Languages
7/15/2013 - Added - Equipping Christian Warriors for End-Time Tribulation - A Calling to Christian Warriors - Addressing the vital questions concerning end-time events depicted in the Book of Revelation Christians in Tribulation to Christian Portals
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6/27/2013 - Added - Non-partisan site dedicated to a Convention that could bypass all three branches of the government - Check it out in the U.S. Constitution -Friends of the Article V. Convention to Webmaster Recommends at main page.
6/17/2013 - Shifted to just covering Alternative News - Uplifting News for the time being.
6/16/2013 - Added - Free Learn a Language - Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Russian, English: Learn a Language to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
6/16/2013 - Added - Free Typing Tutor - English, Español, Nederlands, Deutsch Typingtutor-online.com to Search Specific Topics/Writing (Typing) - Many Languages
6/15/2013 - Added - World Search Engines to Search Specific Topics/Inquiry - Many Languages
6/14/2013 - Added - Across borders or foreign website complaint website. econsumer.gov to Search Specific Topics/Accusation (Complaint) - Many Languages
6/14/2013 - Shifted to Breitbart in the Informatives. I tend to believe that with these ten or so scandals (not to take away from their significance), there may be an even bigger one: World Bank - Federal Reserve Scandal
6/13/2013 - Added - Defense Langauge Institute to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
6/12/2013 - Added - Free Dictionary to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
6/11/2013 - Added - Fred Riley - List of Websites with many languages to Search Specific Topics/Language - Many Languages
6/10/2013 - Added - buscopio SEARCH OF SEARCHES to Search Specific Topics/Inquiry - Many Languages
6/8/2013 - Added - Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) - Personal Encryption - Legal Issues PGP Legal Issues - ViaCrypt taken over by Symantec to Privacy
6/8/2013 - Added - Symantec - PGP Encryption Symantec PGP to Privacy
6/8/2013 - Added - Is it illegal to write your own encryption? Your Own Encryption? to Privacy
6/5/2013 - Added - Booking.com to Travel-Many Languages
6/4/2013 - Added - Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence MyGenes to Sex
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5/26/2013 - Added - "Return to Top" and "Return to Main Page" to Ultimate Search , Alternative News, and General Portals.
5/21/2013 - Added - A Unique Way of Learning Languages - The Polyglot Dream to Search Specific Topics/Translation - Many Languages
5/19/2013 - Added - Christianity Today to Search Specific Topics/Ministry - Many Languages
5/17/2013 - Added - Andrew Breitbart - The Movie - Hating Breitbart - Bad Boy. Whistleblower. Icon. - You can judge a man by his enemies...- In Theaters now in selected locations Demand it near you
5/11/2013 - Added - Americansworking.com was created to provide consumers with an easy to use and highly accessible means of finding products made in America - Americans Working to Product Portals.
5/11/2013 - Added - All About God to Christian Portals and to Search Specific Topics/Ministry - Many Languages and to Webmaster Recommends at main page.
5/9/2013 - Added - What's So Great about Christianity Great About Christianity and Life After Death: The Evidence to Ultimate Search - Dinesh D'Souza
5/6/2013 - Added - Are you prepared? to Search Specific Topics/Preparation - Many Languages
5/5/2013 - Added ixquick search engine - A search for "Search in all earnest" brings this site up at the top (as of today)
5/5/2013 - Added - Article about Privacy - Schneier on Security to Privacy
5/5/2013 - Added - Institute of Biblical Defense Upholding and Defending the Christian Faith - Dr. Phil Fernandes to Christian Portals
5/5/2013 - Added - Heart of the Matter - Mormonism meets Biblical Christianity to Christian Portals
5/5/2013 - Added - Hyper History - Christian Perspective - Free to Search Specific Topics/History
5/3/2012 - Website was down for a short period - learned a lesson keep in contact with my host provider. Dreamhost.com rescued me and provided the solution quickly and in great quality - kudos to the Dreamhost team.
Also fixed the links on this page for the Top 15 Most Popular.[Country].Websites.
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4/27/2013 - Added - World News Network and all those in Alternative News that are in many languages or link to many language news sites to Search Specific Topics/News Many Languages - and to Alternative News.
4/27/2013 - Added - Digital Public Library of America to Search Specific Topics/History
4/25/2013 - Added - Ezilon.com to Search Specific Topics/Inquiry - Many Languages
4/25/2013 - Added - Search Engine Colossus to Search Specific Topics/Inquiry - Many Languages
4/25/2013 - Added - StartPage Search Engine to Search Specific Topics/Inquiry - Many Languages
4/23/2013 - Added - Japanese Shopping Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Most Popular Korean Drama Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 10 Most Popular Korean Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 15 Most Popular Chinese Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 15 Most Popular French Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 15 Most Popular Italian Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 20 Most Popular Brazilian Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 20 Most Popular Canadian Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 20 Most Popular German Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 20 Most Popular Hong Kong Magazines to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 20 Most Popular Russian Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Top 25 Most Popular Korean Fashion Blogs to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Most-Popular Spanish-Language Websites to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Polish World to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/23/2013 - Added - Indian Languages Map to Search Specific Topics/Countries
4/17/2013 - Added - Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat to Christian Portals
4/17/2013 - Added Medved - History with a Judeo/Christian perspective to Search Specific Topics/History
4/14/2013 - Added Another in the informatives on this page to what the major media ignores. - the Gosnell Trial. Why is it being kept silent? Be warned this is graphic. There is no excuse for violence to resolve the abortion debate by the way.
4/13/2013 - Added Presenting America's Forgotten History: Wall Builders to Search Specific Topics/History
4/13/2013 - Added Focus on the Family - Support the Truth Project - consider being a Leader - Truth Project to Christian Portals
4/13/2013 - Added to this page
4/8/2013 - Added Kik and Whatsapp and others take on Facebook to Web 2.0
4/8/2013 - Added Survival Gear Pack to Webmaster Recommends at main page.
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3/24/2013 - Added 10 Pillars - Space and Earth to Search Specific Topics/Universe
3/24/2013 - Added Liberty Alliance to Search Specific Topics/Freedom
3/24/2013 - Added The Truth About Guns to Search Specific Topics/Arms
3/24/2013 - Added The Jewish Virtual Library to Search Specific Topics/History
3/23/2013 - Added CARFAX® to Fact Checkers
3/23/2013 - Added Australian Institute of Criminology - World Wide Listing of Resources to Search Specific Topic/Illegality
3/23/2013 - Added Internet of Everything Category with one link so far - A device to allow you to track your car performance via your Internet connected phone to Internet of Everything (actually another link also - "Cisco Pegs Potential Profit Value for Internet of Everything at $14.4 trillion")
3/23/2013 - Added Open Secrets - Tracking Political Personalities and who has contributed to their campaigns to Fact Checkers
3/16/2013 - Added Safety.com to Safety Link in Roget Table above. Now all the links above have some content - more will be added. Some of the links have links to Tpub.com and some to DMOZ (Open Directory Project - Largest Human Edited Directory, and some to Hyperphysics, and some others to the 10 Pillars of Knowledge, and still others to specific pertinent websites. All these links have associated links using SimilarSites.com as well.
3/16/2013 - Added "Four Best Websites for Online Charity" from About.com Click on Give in the Roget Table above.
3/16/2013 - Added Mortgage-x.com - Calculator to see effects of extra payments. The effect is out of proportion to what you can muster for payments. Click on Math in the Roget Table above.
3/15/2013 - Added many links to fill in more of the Search Specific Sites to fill out the Roget Links - still more to come.
3/12/2013 - Added many links to Search Specific Sites and put the Roget Links on the front page. It is still under construction somewhat, so I will try to make sure the links that are empty have and asterisk until I have time to put something there.
3/5/2013 - Added SimilarSites links for all the links already in Alternative News
3/4/2013 - Added another avenue to access this web site - www.inallearnest.com or http://inallearnest.com or inallearnest.com.
The previous paths work still work also.
3/3/2013 - Added new directory (Roget style) for Search Specific Topic - still under construction. Older links remain to be included therein. Once included, the new directory will be moved to this page as another way to access all links.
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2/25/2013 - Added Media Research Center to Fact Checkers - all in that category now have Similarsites links.
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2/24/2013 - Added newly created Favicon (picture on left side of this website's browser tab).
2/23/2013 - Added New Background for Top Banner for this site.
2/21/2013 - Added Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes and
Eye Painting and More - Click on Graphics and
More Abstract and
Agenda - Grinding America Down and
The Project by Joe Weasel to Webmaster Recommends at the main page.
2/20/2013 - All further links (under a category) added to this website will have such a companion link. This companion link adds up to twenty similar sites links. Each similar site link also has a possible twenty similar sites links. There could be 400 or more links in each companion link! Similarsites.com is that powerful!
2/4/2013 - Added Bible Study Fellowship International and
Great Commission Ministries and
Transforming Congregations and
March for Life to Christian Portals
2/3/2013 - Added Worthy Links and
Serve Him to Christian Portals
2/2/2013 - Added Informative about Tax Questions - Just Answer® in Live Question and Answer
2/1/2013 - Added Note at bottom for contacting webmaster - at Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
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1/29/2013 - Added TED - Technology - Entertainment - Design - 2600 years of history in one object - to Ultimate Search
1/22/2013 - Added C-SPAN to Alternative News.
1/21/2013 - Added Angie's List and
Yelp to Product Portals.
1/18/2013 - Added The Greatest Archeology Discovery of the twentieth century! The Dead Sea Scrolls to Ultimate Search.
1/15/2013 - Added active links to website references on top two thirds of this page.
1/14/2013 - Added Category in Main Menu - Family Friendly websites.
1/10/2013 - Added Easier language links for Y-Jesus - moved rest of Ultimate Search to Menu.
1/6/2013 - Added "Feebie Directory" which has links to "Other Freebie Pages" to Product Portals
1/5/2013 - Added "Free Products - Why pay when you can get it free?" to Product Portals
1/4/2013 - Added Brussel's Leading Think Tank (Related to
Meta News Portal ) to Internet Portals
1/3/2013 - Added Meta News Portal to Alternative News (Believe most of it to be conservative European and US news) - Similar to International and US Newspaper and Magazine listing at
RefDesk.com under Directories /General Portals.
1/1/2013 - Added Fluent in Three Months to Translation Help
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12/31/2012 - Added New York Live Feed to Alternative News - Happy New Year!! (Removed now as no longer New Years) As well as Earth Cam added to Search Specific Topics.
12/30/2012 - Added Informative about blinkx.com for funny clean videos - Happy New Year!
12/28/2012 - Added topix.net to Alternative News - pulls news from many sources including local and magazines
12/28/2012 - Added global post.com to Alternative News - that purports to not be partisan - international news with an American take.
Disclaimer: search.inallearnest does not necessarily agree with all that is referenced on all the sites linked in here. Sites are chosen based on closeness to a true portal/search engine, Christian, family friendly, useful, not infringing on copyrights, registered and unregistered trademarks, and/or patents, conservative, non-partisan, unique and/or international. Sites that match all these characteristics may not exist. The closest to matching these would be: Y-Jesus,
worthynews.com ,
worthyseek.com , and
As far as privacy, I do not track (except to see which country for purposes of better serving) - I can only see the total number of hits on each page (not each link) - and nothing that can be tracked to any person or IP address. By the way, if you email me at the address below, I will never sell your email address.
Contact Information: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Please address any website ideas/concerns to: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Disclaimer: While the best sites are attempted to be linked to there is no guarantee. This site is not responsible for any losses and/or repercussions of use of information about legalities. This site is also not responsible for losses and/or repercussions of use of any information on this site or linked to by this site. Consult a lawyer for your own good. Consult a doctor before any diet or exercise regimen change. Consult an investor service before making any investment decisions.
NOTICE: This website does NOT link to disclosed classified information. If I notice that the links here are to any such information whether recent or wikileaks those website links will be removed. Anyone seeing any links that I have missed and are in that category, please let me know at Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
© 2012 Wesley Steinbrink - I encourage anyone to seek out their local Christian church that is teaching the Word.
Search Specific Topics/Universe
An Open Letter to Bishop Hagiya
New Church Vision – United Methodist Church
What Kind of Compassion?
We as United Methodists are concerned about reality and those who are being harmed by whatever circumstance and and how we can help through Jesus Christ and how government can help or get out of the way. However, I submit to you that there is a gaping hole in our gospel. A gaping hole that has been partly addressed, but needs to be fully addressed. What is it you ask. First I must digress slightly, but not really. Our Book of Resolutions talks of HIV/AIDS and that it is an epidemic (Book of Resolutions, 2008, a) and mostly caused by sexual transmission.(Book of Resolutions, 2008, b) Now bear with me, Voice of America quoting the Center for Disease control states that a group of people that are 2-4% of the US population is causing half of all new cases of HIV. (VOA, 2011) Also, this group is 44 TIMES more likely to catch HIV that leads to AIDS which leads to death. (CDC, 2011) That group is men having sex with men. Attempts have been made for safe sex, but to no avail for the most part. (Book of Resolutions, 2008, c) Women do not get off scott free either because a common malady can “increase a woman’s susceptibility to HIV infection if she is exposed to the HIV virus.” (CDC, 2010) Monogamous homosexual relations are also found to be a myth by a study of 11,000 homosexual males. (Whitehead, 2011, a)
You may say they were born that way and “A constant stream of media articles–several per year–assures us that there is a link between homosexuality and biological features [hypothalmus,etc]…twin studies refute it” (Whitehead, 2010). Twin studies are the most reliable studies. “In fact, twin studies remain one of the best ways of identifying genetic markers linked to complex behavioral traits, according to researchers such as John DeFries, PhD, founder of the journal Behavioral Genetics and former director of the Institute for Behavioral Genetics.” (Benson, 2004) The analysis of all twin studies shows only a weak relation between genes and homosexuality. (Whitehead 2011, b)- Not something to hang your hat on.
You may say there is love. However, love does not justify every last thing. Love does not justify fornication, nor does it justify adultry. There is harm done by not speaking the truth in love. We must be a healing, transforming church that the book “Unwanted Harvest?” (Riley & Sargent, 1995) and the Karen Booth’s web site “Transforming Congregations” talk about. (Booth, 2012) This is the partial gaping hole in our gospel of which I speak. You may say I am anti-gay or homophobic – nothing could be further from the truth. I am not afraid of homosexuals, I am afraid for them. Also heterosexual marriages where anal sex is used are in danger. “There are also serious medical risks associated with anal sex, including the danger of bacterial and viral infections of the vagina, penis, rectum and anus. That’s not to mention that rectal tissue is more delicate and thus more vulnerable to tearing and abrasion than vaginal tissue. With these points in mind, we would strongly caution couples against this practice.” (Focus on Family, 2010)
Dr. Jeffery Satinover says “…without any intervention WHATSOEVER [emphasis added] three out of four boys who think they’re gay at age 16 aren’t by 25.(Satinover, 2003)..30% of men who, at age 20, identified themselves as gay, will be either HIV positive or dead of AIDS by age 30″ (Satinover, 1996)
For material that is current – and being updated on an ongoing basis please see (Whitehead, 2012)
Jesus actually did speak of homosexuality in Matthew 15:19 and Mark 7:21. when He spoke of sexual immorality – pornea in the Greek – which includes homosexuality. Jesus therefore called homosexuality a sin. Some say the Wesley Quadrilateral can be used to help understand it since homosexuality is a “new thing”. It is not a new thing by any stretch of the imagination. It is not progressive, it is regressive. (Conserve, 2012) We need to allow homosexuals into our church, show them compassion, convict them of sin, and help them to get rid of their addictions. This is the compassion that sees the person of sacred worth and wants to help them out of their distress.
Paul in 1Cor 6:9-13 spoke of how homosexuals had come out of homosexuality and were part of the church. Paul had come very close to being stoned to death himself (Acts 14:19 and 2 Corinthians 11:23*) to go to them to provide the opportunity to allow the homosexuals to come out of homosexuality. Again, Paul almost died on the road more than once to come to the Corinthians to encourage those who had been in sins which included homosexuality. We have many who have come out of that lifestyle in present times. “Stephen Bennett, an ex-gay himself now for 15 years, happily married for 14 years to his wife Irene and the father of their two children” (Bennett, 2012), “Joe and his wife Renee reside in Orange County, California, with their two sons.” (Dallas, 2012), Ellen DeGeneris’ former homosexual partner (Wikipedia, 2012), And many more:
“They are not talking theory but real lives of real people.
Out of Egypt by Jeanette Howard Escape from Lesbianism
Charlene E. Cothran is an Ex-gay activist Venus Magazine
Anthony Fatzarano Ex-Gay PFM Ministries book And Such Were Some of You.
Michael Glatze- ex-gay
Alan Chambers book is Leaving Homosexuality
Jackie Clune on Leaving Lesbianism
Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Ph.D.
Danny Wallace you tube
Melissa Fryrear
Vicki Duffy
Janet Boynes Lesbian Lifestyle Left Behind
Why did it take so long?
First they had to live it.
Then they had to leave it.
Now they come to tell their story.” (d, 2012) Are we not to have compassion and praise for them?
Moreover, we must also have compassion for those who are the straight spouses of homosexuals. These are even more forgotten. (Support, 2012), (People, 2012)
This is an important issue. It does appear to be clear. God created Adam and Eve and created marriage – Genesis 2:24 -between one man and one woman and called it good. Even though we have the other examples in the Bible, Jesus reaffirmed that marriage was to be between one man and one woman in Matthew 19, just as God had demonstrated in the beginning.
Marriage outside of ethnicity was in Old Testament times to be marrying someone outside of your faith. The notable exception being Ruth who said “Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.” Ruth 1:16b NASB. She was part of the lineage of Christ. Paul said “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 – meaning a believer has no business marrying an unbeliever. For the two to become one, they must be evenly yoked. This is the New Testament expression of the same intent. This is above and beyond that marriage is to be a man with a woman.
As far as how homosexual “marriage” affects children and marriage in general, there are also many (77) non-religious reasons that marriage should not be redefined. (Ruth Institute, 2012)
There needs to be a healing church. One that points out sin – including homosexuality – speaking the truth in love – and showing compassion, then helping those with addictions to come out of those addictions through Christ’s power.
This is the new vision that must help form the United Methodist Church. Not a compassion that says let them be when doing so causes disease and early death and sin. Jesus gives life and gives it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Is the United Methodist Church up to the challenge? Through God’s help – yes. It does take relearning for all. This new compassion must be toward the true situation – not what activists would have us believe. And “judge not” from Matthew 7 is tempered with how to rightly judge those within the church as in Matthew 18. A compassion that seeks to free people of sacred worth from addictions that debilitate and kill. Praise be to God that that compassion is available from a healing transforming church.
Wesley M. Steinbrink, member Silverdale United Methodist Church [at the time of the letter]
*”But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having won over the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead” Acts 14:19 NASB and “Are they servants of Christ?– I speak as if insane– I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death.” 2 Corinthians 11:23 NASB
Bennett, (2012) “Sorry Exodus, Homosexuals Can COMPLETELY Change”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/944023451.html
Benson, E. S. (2004 April), “Behavioral genetics: meet molecular biology”, Retrieved May 12, 2012 from http://www.apa.org/monitor/apr04/second.aspx
(Book of Resolutions, 2008, a) {{Para 3243. The Church and the Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic} In response to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, The United Methodist Church will work cooperatively with colleague churches in every region. The Bible is replete with calls to nations, religious leaders, and faithful people to address the needs of those who are suffering, ill, and in distress. Jesus Christ reached out and healed those who came to him, including people who were despised and rejected because of their illnesses and afflictions. His identification with suffering people was made clear when he said that “whatsoever you do to the least of these, you also do to me” (Matthew 25:40, paraphrased). His commandment to “do to others as you would have them doe to you” (Matthew 7:12) is a basis for the church for full involvement and compassionate response.
(Book of Resolutions, 2008, b) -The Global Impact of HIV/AIDS-
The global statistics are grim. At the end of 2006, 39.5 million adults and children were living with HIV/AIDS in the world; of these 37.2 million were adults and 2.3 million were children.
At this time, there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. It is mainly spread through intimate sexual contact with an infected person, by needle-sharing among injecting drug users, and less commonly, through transfusions of infected blood or blood clotting factors….
Of the 40 million persons living with HIV, two or three million are injecting drug users. **Pages 391-394}
**Page 391}
(Book of Resolutions, 2008, c) {{Para 3243. The Church and the Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic}…
A research study conducted by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse revealed that of the 15- to 24-year-olds surveyed:
x 50 percent say “people their age” mix alcohol or drugs and sex “a lot”;
x percent believe that their peers often don’t use condoms when alcohol and drugs are in the picture;
x percent want more information about how alcohol or drugs might affect their decisions about having sex. **Page 394}
Booth, K. (2012), Welcome…to the Transforming Congregations website”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.transcong.org/
CDC Fact Sheet (2010, September), “Bacterial Vaginosis – CDC Fact Sheet”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.cdc.gov/std/bv/STDFact-Bacterial-Vaginosis.htm
CDC Fact Sheet (2011, September), HIV and AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Men, Retrieved January 23, 2012, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/docs/FastFacts-MSM-FINAL508COMP.pdf
Conserve, (2012, August 10) “Homosexuality” Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.conservapedia.com/Homosexuality
d (2012) “Actually the conference was not fair and balanced”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.gc2012conversations.com/2012/05/03/it-was-honest-about-our-disagreement/
Dallas, (2012) “BIOGRAPHY – About Genesis Counselling” Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.joedallas.com/about-joe-dallas.cfm
Focus on Family, (2010, September 12), “What is Focus on the Family’s perspective on the issues of oral and anal sex?”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://family.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/25923
People, (2012), “People Can Change, A Wife’s Healing Journey – a healing weekend”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.peoplecanchange.com/wives/
Riley, M. & Sargent, B. (1995) “Unwanted Harvest?: Eventually, Every Christian Will Encounter Someone Who Is Struggling With Homosexuality. Your Response Is Critical to Encouraging”, Broadman & Holman Publishers; Nashville, Tennessee.
Ruth Institute (2012) “77 Non-Religious Reasons to Support Man/Woman Marriage”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.ruthinstitute.org/77Reasons/index.html
Satinover, J., (1996) Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth
Satinover, J., (2003 April 28), Dr. Jeffrey Satinover Testifies Before Massachusetts Senate Committee Studying Gay Marriage – Parenting and Family, Retrieved February 5, 2012 from http://www.narth.com/docs/senatecommittee.html
Support, (2012) “Supportive Straight Spouses”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://straightspouses.org/
VOA, (2011, June), “CDC: Too Many Americans Underestimate HIV Risk”, Retrieved May 24, 2012 from http://www.voanews.com/content/cdc-too-many-americans-underestimate-hiv-risk-123034913/171494.html
Whitehead, (2011, August), “Gays with a “main partner” have concurrent casual sexual relationships”, Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://www.mygenes.co.nz/MainPartners.htm
Whitehead, N.E., (2010) “The Importance of Twin Studies”, Retrieved May 12, 2012 from http://www.narth.com/docs/whitehead2.html
Whitehead, N. E. & Whitehead, B., (2012) “Homosexuality and the scientific evidence”, Retrieved May 12, 2012 from http://www.mygenes.co.nz/
Whitehead, N.E., (2011) “Neither Genes nor Choice: Same-Sex Attraction Is Mostly a Unique Reaction to Environmental Factors”, Retrieved October 7, 2012 from http://www.mygenes.co.nz/whitehead_twinjhs.pdf
Wikipedia, (2012) “Ann Heche” Retrieved October 7, 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Heche
Other Pertinent Quotations from the Book of Resolutions, 2008):
[15] {{161 II. THE NURTURING COMMUNITY} We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in God’s image.
The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teaching.
We affirm that God’s grace is available to all.
We will seek to live together in Christian community, welcoming, forgiving, and loving one another, as Christ has loved and accepted us.
We implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends.
We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons.
**Page 97}
Church to Be in Ministry to Persons of All Sexual Orientations} We also believe that homosexual persons no less than heterosexual persons are individuals of sacred worth and that all persons need the ministry and guidance of the church in their struggles for human fulfillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others, and with self.
An individual confronting his or her own minority sexual orientation and/or that of a close family member, friend, or associate often experiences isolation, confusion, and fear when he or she needs information, guidance, and support;…
and we recognize that teens dealing with questions about sexual orientation are at a greater risk for suicide..
The teachings and actions of Jesus demonstrated radical inclusion of those rejected by mainstream society, we are called to renew our commitment to become faithful witnesses to the common life and work…
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Methodist Church dedicate itself to a ministry of Christ-like hospitality and compassion to persons of all sexual orientations, and to a vision of unity through openness to the spiritual gifts of all those who have been baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ.
Such ministry and openness may include: welcoming sexual minorities, their friends, and families into our churches and demonstrating our faith in a loving God;
willingness to listen and open our hearts to their stories and struggles in our churches, districts, annual conferences, and General conference;
encouraging study and dialogue around issues of sexuality;
and praying for all those who are in pain and discord over our Christian response to this controversial issue. **Page 130}
{{2042 Report of the Task Force on Homosexuality and the Unity of the Church}
Whereas , the United Methodist Church has struggled for many years over the issue of homosexuality, and
Whereas, the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns (GCCUIC) remains committed to pursuing unity within the church as a gift and calling of God, and…
Therefore, be it resolved, that the 2004 General Conference of the United Methodist Church receives the report of the Task Force…
Be if further resolved, that the 2004 General Conference encourages further dialogue throughout The United Methodist Church designed with worship at the center to lead to greater understanding, love, and care for each other, and with the hope that our struggles with these concerns will take a more civil character to the benefit of us all. **Pages 131-132}
{{2043 Opposition to Homophobia and Heterosexism}
Whereas homophobia is the discrimination of people to be perceived to be nonheterosexual, regardless of the victim’s actual sexual orientation or sexual identity; and
Whereas, heterosexism is a self-justifying system of homophobia…
Therefore, be it resolved, that the United Methodist Church strengthen its advocacy of the eradication of sexism by opposing all forms of violence or discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexual practice, or sexual orientation; and
Be it further resolved, the the General Board of Church and Society provide resources and materials aimed at educating members of the local churches about the reality, issues, and effects of homophobia and heterosexism and the need for Christian witness against these facets of marginalization. **Pages 132-133}
{{2103. Affirmation for the Historic Doctrines of the Christian Faith}
Whereas, The United Methodist Church has long been guided by the teachings of the Scripture, the United Methodist Articles of Religion, the historical creeds of the Church, and the theological heritage of the Wesleyan tradition; and…
Whereas, the clergy covenant agreed to by all clergy entering the denomination includes the following question: “In covenant with other elders, will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, accepting its order, liturgy, doctrine, and discipline, defending it against all doctrines contrary to God’s Holy Word, and accepting the authority of those who are appointed to supervise your ministry? (The United Methodist Book of Worship, p. 676, c.f.p. 666, also c.f. Book of Discipline, Para. 304.1.i.); and
Whereas, we affirm that abiding by our rules and upholding the doctrines of Christianity, is critical to the peace and unity both within The United Methodist Church globally;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the 2004 General Conference affirms its commitment to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith as taught in the Scripture, and in the United Methodist Articles of Religion, and in the sermons of John Wesley. **Pages 157-158}
…U) Persons Living with HIV and AIDS – Persons diagnosed as positive for Human Immune Virus (HIV) and with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) often face rejection from their families and friends and various communities in which they work and interact.
**Pages 177-178}
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One thought on “An Open Letter to Bishop Hagiya”
Wesley Steinbrink on October 28, 2012 at 2:43 pm said:
Furthermore, in addition to the 77 non-religious reasons of the Ruth Institute, the Harvard Journal Article is online – please download and read the 43 pages. It doesn’t take too long and is very scholarly and well thought out. It covers Equality, Justice and the Heart of the Debate, — If Not Same-Sex Couples, Why Infertile Ones, — Challenges for Revisionists — and Isn’t It Only Natural — among all other related topics. It never uses religion to make any of its points.
On page 13 it also references another prominent paper delineating research results: “Ten Principles on Marriage and the Public Good, signed by some seventy scholars, which corroborates the philosophical case for marriage with extensive evidence from the social sciences about the welfare of children and adults. The Witherspoon Institute, Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles 9-19 (2008), available at http://www.winst.org/family_marriage_and_democracy/WI_Marriage.pdf”
(All from “What is Marriage?” by Sherif Girgis*, Robert P. George**, & Ryan T. Anderson***, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy Vol 34, No. 1. Winter 2011.)
* Ph.D .Candidate in Philosophy, Princeton University.
** McCormick Professor of Jusrisprudence, Princeton University.
*** Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, University of Notre Dame
Retrieved Oct 26, 2012 from http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1722155## [Click on “Download this Paper”]
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Funding PAC established for Freedom Convoy 2022 to DC - Find it here
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To get subtitles in a different language for YouTube videos:
1. Left click on the "gear" symbol - the Settings icon.
2. Left click on Subtitles
3. Left click on Auto-Translate
4. Scroll down and left click on the desired language.
To Find News about Convoys Worldwide:
Free Pastor Artur - Find it here
Worldwide Convoys - Find it here
Jerusalem, Israel Convoy - Find it here
Paris, France Convoy - Find it here
French Convoy to Head to Brussels - Find it here
France Cops Finally Join the People in Week 32 - Find it here
French Farmers make Massive Statement - Find it here
Canberra, Australia - Find it here
Wellington, New Zealand - Find it here
Wellington Protests: Massive clash between police and protesters on occupation Day 15 - Find it here
Latest Update - 2022 - 02 - 18 - Find it here
Brasil - Two Weeks Ago - Find it here - Find upcoming plans here (Facebook)
Finland Convoy - Find it here - And updated
Netherlands Convoy - Find it here
Odessa, Ukraine - police refuses to go against its people - Find it here
Companies to be Avoided by Conservatives:
Boycott List of all the Liberal Agenda Organizations
Join to Buy from Conservative Companies and Support Conservative Causes:
The truth about Covid19 - how to keep from catching it and how to treat it if you do / have caught it:
New American interview with Dr. Lee Merrit
Here are the supplements that she recommends to take to avoid catching Covid19:
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Dr. Lyons Weiler is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh where he is the Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core. With this vaccine, there is 21% chance that you will have "serious adverse events" (including death). Please view the video:
Dr. Lyons Weiler - Very Upset with the Rush of this Vaccine
Mike Lindell - Absolute Proof of Election 2020 Fraud
Absolute Proof - Mike Lindell Election Documentary (FULL) (rumble.com)
What to do now for those in the United States: The Supreme Court has issued edict - this is what we must do - Jay Richards - How to defend traditional marriage. The rest of the world will get good guidance here also.
Important Article Three things your church must do immediately to protect itself
What we need to be doing now - a book to buy Truth Overruled by Ryan T. Anderson or here
What to do to protect freedom of speech Forget A Federal Marriage Amendment and Go For Religious Freedom Acts in All 50 States
Our prayers are with those who are persecuted around the world.
United We Stand Stronger As Americans - What did our Founding Fathers really say? For Which We Stand
Heard about the Strange Seismic Wave on Nov 11? It moved an island off of Africa. Same location as where Shock Dynamics said a very large asteroid hit earth. See Ultimate Search - Shock Dynamics
Sites that are producing / promoting most of these movies:
Seatzy™ is first and foremost a platform for movie goers that will allow all of us to participate in the process of supporting the films we love by...read more
Finding more:
What is the way for Churches to deal with sin - whether it be any kind including homosexuality? Speak the truth in love. Be a Healing and Transformational Church. New Church Vision - Sin and Homosexuality
Others who are addressing the same issues - letting the Bible speak for itself:
The Gospel and Homosexuality by David Platt
On Love, Homosexuality, and Sin: An Evangelical Proposal By Rob Schwarzwalder
What is the way for Churches to conduct themselves - Individual and Corporate? What are Biblical methods to judge success? New Church Vision - Individual and Corporate
What is the Holy Spirit and are the Gifts for today? How desperate should we be for the Holy Spirit? How do we employ spiritual gifts in an orderly manner? New Church Vision - What About Gifts
What kind of God do we serve? What is a view of God from the scriptures? New Church Vision - Our Great God and our free will
What Christian ministries are there to those enslaved by Alcohol or drugs? Here is one such successful ministry that could be copied around the world:
The Mission House of North Kitsap as well as The Mission House of South Kitsap (all for men, but plans for a Women's mission house are in the making.
A Christian band that was featured on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon For King and Country - Enjoy
Soothing Songs based on the Psalms - by the Sons of Korah - Enjoy
Soothing Hymns with harmony, orchestra, and natural settings: FountainView - Enjoy.
What is Sharia Law (Multi - many languages) anyway? (Warning: graphic)
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus - You Never Know Where a Crisis of Faith Will Lead You.
A Thought-Provoking One Night Event - Monday, January 19, 2015 - In Select Theatres Nationwide
These are the Days of Elijah - The Marines - Hoo Rah! - Could this video go viral?
Privileged Species event - Pacific Northwest Premiere - Michael Denton Rocks the Museum of Flight as Privileged Species Premieres in Seattle to a Packed House -- Are humans the accidental products of a blind and uncaring universe? Or are they the beneficiaries of a cosmic order that was planned beforehand to help them flourish? -- Now available for purchase: Privileged Species - the Movie
Dinesh Dśouza - America (the Movie) - Imagine the World without Her - in movie theaters come July 2. Please consider demanding it at your theater!
For Worship:
Christian Worship Music Mix #1, Christian Worship Music Mix #2, Christian Worship Music Mix #3, and Christian Worship Music Mix #4
More Upbeat:
Christian Dance Music Mix #1, Christian Dance Music Mix #2, Te Amo, Te Amo, I Love You, Blood Bought Church, and Skillet - Awake and Alive
Good Movies:
God's Not Dead - the Movie-English | Spanish / Español | one can now buy the DVD.
For reflection:
At ChristianMusic.com you'll find all the great Christian Music Genres such as Gospel Music, Christian Contemporary, Praise & Worship Music, Christian Rap, and Christian Rock Music, as well as, Christian Songs. - also includes reviews, video samples, overview of groups, biographies, and interviews.
Good Blogs:
All About God All About God -and-
Sheila Dean Peace, Hope and Joy are for You too.
Good YouTubes:
Duck Commander talks about why the Country needs Jesus
TheNewDifferent - Twitter and
TheNewDifferent - YouTube
And on a more sober note:
Gosnell - Movie - A historic crowdfunding campaign for a movie about America's biggest serial killer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and the media cover-up - recently in theaters.
Agenda - Grinding America Down and also, (but don't watch them back to back - you have been warned!)
The Project by Joe Weasel and no you will not find either of these movies listed on
Internet Movie Database
Non-partisan site dedicated to a Convention that could bypass all three branches of the government - Check it out in the U.S. Constitution -Friends of the Article V. Convention
Sobering - Four Dead in Benghazi
EMET-Online.org Endowment for Middle East Truth
The Methods of Dealing with the Heartbleed Vulnerability
Newest Updates: Please use the menu item to the left: ****Newest Updates****
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© 2012 Wesley Steinbrink - I encourage anyone to seek out their local Christian church that is teaching the Word.